When Dad Made a Promise

One day, there was a happy family. The couple had only one child, but they couldn't be any happier. Dad cherished his son so much that when he was in the crib, dad told him, "I'll never let something bad happen to you. I promise."

Their only son was excellent in school. He learned very quickly, and he was great all around at school. Still, he enjoyed playing, like other children do. He helped at home with chores as well. He loved spending time with his family -- he's a good son.

During his 12th birthday, a tragedy occurred when his mom died from a car accident. Both of them witness mom pass away in the hospital and the boy held his dad's hand tight. Dad looked down, and the boy looked up. They saw each of them crying. Then dad knelt and preciously hugged him. "I will never let something bad happen to you. I promise." he whispered to his son.

From then on, everything turned sour. Their family slowly started to decay. And as time passed, the son gradually changed his image to depression and delinquency. He began turning his back on school as a truant. He began to ignore his house chores. He seldom went home. He started smoking. He started drinking and having vices.

Dad felt depressed. Dad felt lonely but he kept strong. He persevered to keep his family tightly close. Despite the looming feeling of disappointment, he held on to what he promised. "I will never let something bad happen to you, I promise."

When the boy reached the age of twenty, things turned from bad to the worst. The son committed a heinous crime and the punishment for his crime was death penalty. And when the day of the execution had arrived, dad couldn't believe what was happening. There was six hours left before his son's death. Dad was scared but he thought of his promise.

There was 4 hours left, then 3, 2 and came down his last hour before his son's death. Dad decided to visit his son in his cell. Their conversation was short but colorful. The boy apologized to his dad. Father and son couldn't hide their sadness. Dad sobbed and tried so hard to put up a smile. Before the boy was about to leave his cell, dad hugged him so tight that he didn't want him to go. "I will never let something bad happen to you." he promised again.

The boy left his cell to receive the punishment. It was very quiet as the clock ticked 30 minutes left. Then 15, 10, 5... finally it came down to the last minute.

The prison used a manual bell for the decision. "If the bell will sound, then the decision for your death will be carried on." told the warden. Everyone agreed.

From the last minute, to 30, to 10, and to the last second that passed, the order was carried. A jail guard assigned for the bell, pulled the string. But the bell did not ring. He tried once more, but nothing was heard. After 5, 10, 20 more attempts still the bell did not ring. Then the jailguard noticed blood pouring down the cord. He looked up as he saw a man with blood all over his hands, chest and his head. It was a man who took every pound the giant bell had to offer so it couldn't make a sound. It was Daddy... who made his promise.


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