Through the Shortcut

Has it been 3 years? I believe it has.

My life in the university is difficult and hectic and I'm only on my first year. I should've picked a lighter load, because I get stressed very often. But even with a lighter load, I find myself busy during the day with some free time at night. Unfortunately, I'm still unfamiliar of the campus and they say it's dangerous to go wandering at night.

My history course required us to watch a play tonight and submit a two page essay. The play was scheduled to start at 9 PM. It was lengthy, but the story was simple that I immediately knew how to start on my essay.

It was already late when we finished. I wanted to hurry home because I still had to write the essay. So I picked going through the 'shortcut' instead. However, I should've remembered the folks' advise: the shortcut is dangerous at night. I was in a hurry so I still chose to go through the shortcut. Soon enough, it was too late for me to turn back.

"That's a nice watch, you got there." I heard a voice from the dark.

"You wouldn't mind if you gave it to us, huh?" I heard another voice. Then two men appeared from the shadows. I slowly walked back, but a third person blocked the way and I found myself surrounded. A knife flashed before my eyes and one of them waved it over at me. My mind became blank. "I guess NOW you'll hand it over." They laughed.

I couldn't see anyone else in the path. I was all alone. I've experienced firsthand why it's dangerous to go through here when it's dark. I truly just wanted to go home.

"Hand over your wallet, your cellphone and your watch." One of them pointed his knife at me. When I hesitated, they hit my nape with the butt of the knife. It was dumb to hesitate. Stupid! Stupid! I was crying a bit because I couldn't do anything else. They started beating me and stomping me down on the ground and I was moaning in pain. It was surreal. After I laid flat, I could only look at them while they laugh and take my watch.

Suddenly whistles had broken out. "OVER THERE! STOP!" A group of security guards and policemen started running and chasing after the robbers.

The three men ran away empty handed and the officers chased after them. A few officers helped me up. They asked me if I got stabbed and made sure I was okay. I was simply relieved that it's over and I was smiling with a bruise on the side of my mouth.

I thanked everyone for their timely rescue, but I wondered how they knew. It was like someone told them that I was being robbed. Then I realized that could be the case. I asked them if there was a bystander or a witness who told them about my mugging.

The policeman said that they were on their patrol car when a someone ran to the middle of the road and was waving his arms. Then this man said that there was someone being robbed and he pointed them toward my direction. The security guards said that they were walking around the campus and someone also appeared to ask for help. I asked them where this bystander is immediately, so I can say thank you. Unfortunately, he's nowhere to be found. I asked them what the bystander looked like instead. The policemen said he had a mole above his right eye, a buzz cut, and a scar on his left cheek. The security guards chuckled and said it was the same person who asked them for help.

My heart picked up and started to race with my nervous breath. "This is just-- wait--" I reached for my wallet. "Is it him?" I showed them a picture. The officer and the security guard nodded.

"That's definitely him!" I was speechless. "So you know him?" the officer asked.

"Yes." I tried to put the picture back into my wallet, but my hands were trembling. "He's my older brother. He died in campus from an accident three years ago." Everyone stood still.


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